3.12.2021 OPEN 21.1

Luis and Malena get the 2021 CrossFit OPEN started at STAND FIRM CROSSFIT.

Fill out a Scoresheet and have it with you when you report for your workout.
Spend time on a rower or bike to warm-up your body.
Do some Dynamic Stretching.
Spend some time getting your shoulders activated.
KB Swings, Presses Overhead, Shoulder Touches
Do some Jump Rope/Double Unders
Practice some Wall Walks

WOD: Open 21.1

For time:
1 wall walk / scaled wall walk / bear crawl
10 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
3 wall walks / scaled wall walks / bear crawls
30 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
6 wall walks / scaled wall walks / bear crawls
60 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
9 wall walks / scaled wall walks / bear crawls
90 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
15 wall walks / scaled wall walks / bear crawls
150 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
21 wall walks / scaled wall walks / bear crawls
210 double-unders / single unders / jumping jacks
15 min. Time Cap

RX / Scaled / Foundations

Judge a workout.