3.11.2021 HONCHO

The “Stand Firm CrossFit Cup”

The most coveted of all fitness trophies in Grand County. To claim this trophy, you need to be part of the winning team in the Stand Firm CrossFit Cup competition which will run in conjunction with the 2021 CrossFit OPEN. Here is how it is going to work.

Step 1: Get registered for the 2021CrossFit OPEN by clicking HERE.
• When you register identify Stand Firm CrossFit as your affiliate and make sure you indicate that you are on Stand Firm CrossFit’s team.
Step 2: Teams will be set up by coaching staff. Our objective will be to balance the teams so that they are competitive with each other. We will take into account many different variables.
Step 3: Teams will be announced on Thursday morning, 3.11, on the WOD page at standfirmcrossfit.com.
Step 4: Participants will earn points for their team in a number of different ways.

• Complete and then submit your results for the OPEN workouts 1 point for your team each week.  Your score must be submitted by 5 pm on Monday.
• Complete your Athlete Profile Page. To do this you go to games.crossfit.com, click on the red sign-in button, (top right-hand corner). Click on the Hello Your Name, scroll down to EDIT PROFILE and you are on your way. You can get help with this from Cal at the box on his laptop.
o Write up your Bio. Earn 3 points for your team. To get three points you need to put some effort into your Bio. If you need ideas look at bio’s from others in the box.
o Put in as many stats as you can. These are things like 1 Rep Maxes and benchmarks, ie. Your Fran time. Earn 1 point for each stat.
o Put up a profile photo, (That is the photo that is in the little circle on your profile page). Earn 3 points for your team.
o Put up a cover photo, (That is the background photo on your profile page). Earn 3 points for your team.

“Friday Night Lights” Participation during the OPEN will get you 5 points for your team each week.

• There will be a gym wide, “theme of the week”. Your adherence to the theme must be visible / obvious.  Fulfillment of the “theme of the week” gets you 2 points for your team each week.

• Judging an athlete during an OPEN workout will get you 1 point for your team. Limit 5 per week. You do not need to complete the Judges Course in order to judge a workout in the OPEN.

• Placing 1st in a workout earns 5 pts RX, 4 pts Scaled and 3 pts Foundations in your age division for your team.

• Placing 2nd in a workout earns 4 pts RX, 3 pts Scaled and 2 pts Foundations in your age division for your team.

• Placing 3rd in a workout earns 3 pts RX, 2 pts Scaled and 1 pt Foundations in your age division for your team.

o This year, there will be 3 age divisions, 18 to 39, 40 to 55, 55+
o Age’s will be determined by your CrossFit Open Registration.

Everyone can be a big part of their team’s success. There are a lot of ways to earn points beyond the results of the OPEN workouts. CrossFit is a lot about enjoying the people around you. The OPEN gives you a chance to test your fitness and expand your comfort zone.   Like I say, “it is the best $20 you will spend on entertainment this year.”

The Theme for the 1st OPEN workout is ……


Here is the Box schedule for the next 3 weekends during the 2021 CrossFit OPEN.

Thursday – Normal Class times.  At 6:00 pm the CrossFit OPEN workout is released.  We will have it on the Big Screen if you want to stop by and watch.  After the announcement there may be a handful of people that want to give it a go.

Friday – Morning classtimes are normal and you can do your OPEN workout then if you wish.  The afternoon looks a little different because it is “FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS”.  We open the Box at 4:30.  Workouts start at 5:00 and will continue until everyone gets finished.  

Saturday – Normal OPEN GYM time of 9 to 10:30 am.  You ae welcome to do your OPEN workout then if you wish.

Sunday – We will open the Box at 2 pm for anyone who wants to do their OPEN workout or repeat it.

The Teams for the “Stand Firm CrossFit Cup”.
We will add those that sign(ed) up late today.

Row 5 min.
2 Rounds of 10 Each w/Barbell
Deadlift, Hang Clean, Push Press, Good Morning
Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Deadlift