Coaches Choice

Strength: Back Squat / GHD Sit-up
10 (5+10)5


1 Clean & Jerk 135/95
4 Lateral Bar Jumps
2 Clean & Jerk
8 Lateral Bar Jump
3 Clean & Jerk
12 Lateral Bar Jump
4 Clean & Jerk
16 Lateral Bar Jump
Continue this pattern until time expires.

Read over all the Clean Eating Challenge information that hs been put out on the website this past week and is posted in the front room at the Box.

– How to Set Yourself Up for Success –

Step 1: Plan for success

Take time to set your intentions for the Challenge. Lose body fat? Sleep better? Eat take out less? Perform in the gym better? Understanding your intent before the Challenge will help us guide you through the 8 weeks to ensure your highest level of success during and after the Challenge.

Step 2: Pick up your Scoresheet.

Every Challenger gets a weekly scoresheet, where we encourage you to log your daily food, workouts, water and sleep notes. Look over the scoresheet with your partner carefully so that you are sure to fill it out completely.  Keep it in a handy place so that you can fill it at the end of each day.  To help you remember what you eat through the course of the day take a photo of it with your phone.  You are required to turn in your scoresheet by the end of business on Tuesdays. 

Step 3: Be sure to attend a class on Monday the 11th so that you can have your “BODY COMPOSITION ASSESMENT” completed.

For this challenge we will do either a 7 site Skin Fold Test or a Tape Measure Test to determine body composition.

Step 4: Prep your food

Preparing your meals ahead of time for the week is key in staying on track with the Challenge. Whether you cook on Sunday or split it up into two meal prep days per week doesn’t matter, but what matters is having food ready to go. This eliminates things like going grocery shopping hungry, deciding to get take out because there isn’t anything prepared, and eating too little.

Choose a day or two that you’ll prep, and plan your list. Shop the day before to make things easier, and consider using some of the same ingredients for different dishes to cut down on waste (ex: cilantro).

Step 5: Make it a priority to attend workouts.

We will do the CEC21.1 Pre-workout on Tuesday the 12th.  After that we encourage you to attend at least 4 workouts a week.  5 is even better, if you can.  You can do “at home” workouts if you are unable to attend class.  Remember “at home workouts are worth 3 points not 5.

Step 6: Be sure to check the workout of the day page (WOD) at standfirmcrossfit.com each day. 

We will pass along information that should help you succeed during CEC21.1. The gym will be sending tons of great information and tools to aid in your success for the challenge. We’ll be sending lots of our favorite recipes, info on why we ask you to do certain things, and tips for success.

Step 7: Have fun!

Most importantly, this should be a benefit to your life. It will be a challenge, it may be difficult and inconvenient at times, but it should not be any type of major stressor on your life. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, reach out and talk to one of us or your fellow challengers for support. That’s why you’re doing this with a group!