Kylie and Ella
Row 1K followed by dynamic stretch.
Skill and Practice:
Over the course of the next 8 weeks we will devote 20 minutes of Thursday’s class to skill development and practice. This will give you a chance to get ready for the OPEN. Coaches are there to help you work on things you want to get better at. These may include olympic weight-lifting skills, gymnastics skills, as well as jumping skills.
18 min. AMRAP
40 Cal Bike
40 Wallball 20/14
40 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
40 Box Jumps 24/20
Athletes start where you want but then stay in the order listed above.
Dragon 2 min. ES and Low Dragon
Clean Eating Challenge Information
How much does it cost?
$20 Bring your money on Monday the 11th. The money will be used to buy prizes for the winners.
How many winners will there be?
Everyone who participates is a winner. You will all improve your lives by learning how to eat cleaner…That is a big win!!!! We will determine the total number of official winners after we see how many entries we get. For sure, there will be a winning team, a winning female and a winning male.
How are winners determined?
The following factors will determine the winners:
- Body Composistion Change (Body Fat reduction)
- Total points accumulated through scoresheet submission.
- Performance on the Pre and Post CEC21.1 Workout. (Tuesday Jan 12th)
- Completion of Bonus Point Activities with your teammate.