1.6.2021 HIGH DIVE

Click Here for a link to a simple/practicle explaination of Clean Eating.  This can be a great resource for you during the CEC21.1.

As explained last night, CEC21.1 is going to include the element of partners/teams of 2.  If you need a partner and need a little help finding someone, ask Cal or Tami and we will help you find a partner.  We are great matchmakers.


Here is the Schedule for CEC21.1

Jan 11   The 1st official day of the CEC21.1. Start filling out your scoresheets. Body composition assessment. If you cannot make it in on this day talk to Tami or Cal about doing this at another time.
Jan 12   Pre CEC21.1 Workout. This workout is to establish a baseline of your current physical condition. If you cannot make it in today make arrangements to complete the workout at another time.
Jan 19   Week 1 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Jan 26   Week 2 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Feb 2    Week 3 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Feb 9    Week 4 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Feb 16   Week 5 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Feb 23   Week 6 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Mar 2    Week 7 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Mar 8    Post CEC21.1 Body Composition Assessment
Mar 9    Post CEC21.1 Workout.
Mar 9    Week 8 Scoresheet due by the end of business, 7:30 pm
Mar 26  CEC21.1 Awards Party along with the final workout of the CrossFit Open.

How do you score Points?

Eat Clean, Drink Water, Workout, Sleep and Keep Track of it all.

Eat the Big Ol’Salad everyday – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)
Try to get one big salad in per day. This can have any dressing you like, as long as the majority of the plate is greens. This will reduce insulin spikes, decrease body fat, support your immune system, improve your gut flora, and give you all kinds of nutrients.

Keep a daily food intake log – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)
Record your meals, snacks and beverages each day. Research has shown that a food log can create accountability and improve eating habits!

Get 7 Hours of Sleep every night- 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)
Sleep is essential for basic maintenance and repair of the neurological, endocrine, immune, musculoskeletal and digestive systems. Improved sleep helps you lean out, balance hormones, avoid depression, autoimmunity, heart disease, etc.

Get in a Workout at least 5 days a week. – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)
This challenge is about creating accountability and consistency, so we want you to log your workouts (5 points per day you work out). These count if they are our in-gym workouts. At home workouts are worth 3 pts. High-intensity exercise initiates a response in your body to burn existing fat and build muscle for 24-48 hours. It also increases overall energy levels, increases bone density, and all-around stability and longevity of your body.

Drink lots of Water – ? points
Hydration is key to keeping your joints healthy, maintaining a normal blood pressure and flushing your system. You get 1 point per 16 oz of water that you drink in a 24-hour period. You are encouraged to drink up to ½ your body weight in oz of water each day.

Spend 15 minutes each day on MOBILITY. – 5 pts/day (35 pts/week)
To earn this point you must spend 15 minutes outside the gym stretching, foam rolling, messaging, etc. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel when you consistently spend time on mobility. If you need help on this ask the coaches and look on-line by searching “Mobility CrossFit”.

Semi-Weekly Partner Challenges -? Points
Every other week, for a total of four, there will be a challenge set forth that must be taken on by you and your partner. The value of these challenges will be announced when they are issued.

How do you lose Points?

If you eat something that falls into the Not Clean category you must take a 5-point penalty. A comprehensive list will be posted at the gym and will be posted on-line for you to refer to.  Basically, you cannot consume any foods that are highly processed, have added sugar, contain alcohol, are considered Junk Food, contain additives.

5 min. AMRAP
10 Each of KB Swing, Goblet Squat, KB Snatch
Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/barbell
Build weight over the 5 sets.


5 min. AMRAP
15 KB Swing High Pull 55/45
10 S2OH 115/80
Rest 3 min.
5 min. AMRAP
15 KB Swing High Pull
10 HR Push-up

Deadhang 2 min.