Nina is off to a great start in the FALL FRENZY Online Competition.
Row 400m then,
15-9-6 Reps of;
Walking Lunges, Push-ups, Sit-ups.
Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Strict Press
10 (3)5 (1)3
3 min. AMRAP
7 Calories on Assault Bike
7 T2B
Rest 3 min.
3 min. AMRAP
7 Calories on Rower
7 OH Squat 95/65
Rest 3 min
3 min. AMRAP
7 Slamball 40/30
7 GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups (use your slamball)
This is a sprint workout. Start with the couplet you want and then stay in order.
Compare to 12.18.18
Bar and/or Ring Muscle-up work
6 each if you have them.