2 rounds of Row 400m followed by BBWU4C
Strength: Power Clean / Squat Clean
4+1 3+2 2+3 1+4
Build to your WOD weight.
For time:
50 Double Unders
50 Weighted Sit-ups 25/20
5 Cleans 185/125
40 Double Unders
40 Weighted Sit-ups
4 Cleans
30 Double Unders
30 Weighted Sit-ups
3 Cleans
20 Double Unders
20Weighted Sit-ups
2 Cleans
10 Double Unders
10 Weighted Sit-ups
1 Clean
Weighted sit-ups are to be performed by holding a Dumbell high on the chest so that the bar stays in contact with the chin through-out the entire movement. The Sit-up is complete when the elbows touch the top of the knee. Athlete can anchor their feet.
Seal 2 min. Low Dragon 2 min. ES