8.7.2020 MONEY MAKER


Warm up:
3 rounds of 250m Row, 10 Lunges, 8 Goblet Squat, 6 ¼ Turkish Get Up.
Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Back Squat
10     (4/70)      (3/75)2      (2/80)3


For Time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps of:
Back Squat 135/95 (Off the Ground)
Wallball 20/14

Icing: Have a great weekend.

FYI:  No more Dropping Bars that are loaded with “Single 15# Plates” or “Single 15# Plates with 5# Plates” outside them.  We have seen way too many of our 15# Plates get broken and we have no way to replace them.  If you want to drop your bar you have to lift heavier loads….it’s that simple.