1.27.2020 PRE-CEC 20.1

Clean Eating Challenge 20.1 kicks off today.  The emphasis is to say NO to any foods that contain ADDED SUGAR, Get 7 HOURS OF SLEEP each night, DRINK a minimum of 64 oz. of WATER each day,  spend at least 15 min. on your own doing some MOBILITY work, and get in your CrossFit workout.

Pick up your score sheet today and start keeping track of your daily requirements.  You should note that there are several areas on the score sheet that deal with more than your daily points.  Be sure to fill in all the information that is requested!!!

Please keep up with your score sheet.  Don’t wait till the last day to fill it all in.  This is a competition and for it to work everyone needs to be honest and straight up. 

We have amended the guidelines slightly regarding protein powder.  Refer to the page posted below the workout.

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Back Squat (Post WOD)
Wave 1 – 8/40,  7/50,  6/60
Wave 2 – 8/50,  7/60,  6/65
Wave 3 – 8/60,  7/65,  6/70


For Time:
100/80 Calorie Row
4 Plate Facing Burpee 45/25
At the start of the workout, and on the 90 second signal, 4 Plate Facing Burpees 45/25.  No body part, (including your head), should be over the plate when you go to the ground. You must place both feet on the plate with full knee and hip extention at the finish of the burpee movement.).
Scaled Options
Cut Burpees to either 3 or 2.

Icing: Pick up your score sheet for CEC20.1