1.17.2020 GRIMACE


Warm-up: Row 500m ,  Iron Scap,  Row 500m. Dynamic Stretch

Strength:  Athletes Choice
The clock is set for 20 minutes for athletes to do weight training of their choice.


For Time:
Buy-in: 100 Double Unders
21-15-9 Reps of
Devil Press 35/25
GHD Sit-ups
Cash-out: 100 Double Unders

Icing:  The week has gone by and only a handful of you have written goals up on the door.  The ones that are there are awesome but there are not enough of them. 

Clean Eating Challenge 20.1 KICKS OFF next week.  It will be an 8 week challenge that will be simple yet very effective, if you stick with it.  Check back here next week for more details.