1.13.2020 TOPSY TURVY

Luis and Kristin

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Barbell Cycling Power Clean
5 Reps EMOM for 6 Min.
Build weight to the WOD wt.


For Time:
With a partner,
80 Wallball 20/14 >< Handstand Hold
One partner must be in a handstand position for the wallballs to count.
Immediately into,
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Power Clean 115/75
Parallel to the Bar Burpee
While one partner executes a complete segment of the couplet the other partner must hold their bar in the front rack position. Partners switch positions each segment.

Icing: Banded Shoulder Mobility