12.23.2019 12 DAYS OF CrossFit

Christmas Party Fun

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength:  Set up and warm-up the movements of the WOD.

WOD:  12 DAYS OF CrossFit

For Time:
1 Bear Complex 75/55
2 Ring Muscle Ups/Bar Dips 2/1
3 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55
4 Hang Squat Cleans 75/55
5 HSPU’s
6 GHD Sit-ups
7 Pull-ups
8 Thrusters 75/55
9 Box Jumps 24/20
10 KB Swings 72/45
11 Wallball 20/14
12 Burpee Broad Jump

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps. Just sing the song in your head as you go. That will help you stay on track.

Icing: Last minute shopping.

Stand Firm CrossFit will be closed Christmas Eve afternoon, Christmas day  and all day the 26th.  We will be open on Friday the 27th as normal.