Warm-up: Row or Bike 40 Calories followed by BBWU4C. Dynamic Stretch.
Strength: Clean & Jerk / Muscle-up Warm-up
4 Reps of C&J and 2 Ring Dips E2MIM for 5 rounds
WOD: UP n UP n UP n UP
For Time or Total Reps
3 min. To Complete
5 Clean and Jerk 95/65
1 Ring Muscle-up
5 Clean and Jerk
1 Bar Muscle-up
3 min. To Complete
4 Clean and Jerk 135/85
2 Ring Muscle-up
4 Clean and Jerk
2 Bar Muscle-up
3 min. To Complete
3 Clean and Jerk 155/105
3 Ring Muscle-up
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Bar Muscle-up
3 min. To Complete
2 Clean and Jerk 165/115
4 Ring Muscle-up
2 Clean and Jerk
4 Bar Muscle-up
You can advance to the next round ahead of the clock. If you finish all four rounds before 12 min expires your score is your completion time. If you are unable to keep up with the clock score your reps completed when you are unable to complete the round in the 3 min. allowed.
Icing: Dragon and Pigeon 2 min each side.