9.30.2019 SNAKE BITE

“Hey Mom, where did that big pile of logs go? And where did all those people disappear to?”

Many thanks to John, Kris, Dave, and Jack. Along with Nate and Nina we enjoyed about a 2 hr WOOD WOD. It was a lot of fun and the food at the end was awesome, thanks Nina.

Warm-up: 3 rounds of Row or Bike 10 Cal. followed by BBWU4S

Strength: 3 position Squat Snatch (Bottom to Top) / Strict Pull-ups
1 Rep EMOM for 10 min. and 2 Strict Pull-ups EMOM
Build your snatch weight over the course of the 10 min.
Keep in mind you have 45 reps of Squat Snatch ahead of you.


For Time:
21-15-9 Reps of
Squat Snatch 95/65
C2B Pull-ups

A CFNE Workout

Icing: Iron Scap. This will help clean up those shoulders.

The CrossFit Open starts in just 12 days. Our first “FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS” will be on Oct 11th. I know it seems a bit strange to have the OPEN show up now, (Oct), instead of February, but it is here and we need to get excited. It is truly one of the best events that we do in the BOX. Watch the video below and click HERE to learn more. Believe me when I say, “the OPEN is for everyone”.