9.12.2019 AREA CODE

I have added another set of words to our Stand Firm CrossFit “Chasing Excellence” continuum. It has to do with being on time for class. Let this be your new motto “If you are “on time”….you are late”.

PJ  ******intensity******

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Romanian Deadlift / Deficit Deadlift / Deadlift
(5)5 RDL
followed by
(5)5  Deficit Deadlift (No dropping the bar during a set.)
Followed by
2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 Deadlift


9 Min. AMRAP
3 Deadlift 225/175
6 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
9 C2B Pull-ups

Icing: Spend time with a foam roller and lacrosse ball