8.22.2019 WZAOC19.1


Warm-up:  Jog or Row 800m. 2 rounds of Basic Barbell Warm-up 10 Each of Deadlift, Hang Clean, Front Squat, Push Press. Dynamic Stretch

Strength: Hang Power Snatch / OH Squat / Double Unders
2+2+10 Reps of each every 90 seconds for 6 Rounds.


9 Minute AMRAP
3 Hang Power Snatches 75/55
3 Overhead Squats 75/55
30 Double Unders

Add 3 repetitions to each of the barbell movements (3/3/30, 6/6/30, 9/9/30, 12/12/30… etc..) at the conclusion of each round.

Icing: Practice on a weakness…..We all have them!!!