Warm-up: 3 rounds of Row 250m followed by BBWU4C. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Cluster / Squat Clean
Primer: 3 Clusters EMOM for 6 min. Build Wt.
Squat Clean
3/60 2/70 2/80 1-1-1-1
For Time:
10-9-8-7-6 Reps of
Thruster 95/65
Bar Facing Burpee
5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Thruster 135/95
Bar Facing Burpee
Icing: “Iron Scap”
Clean Eaters….Week 1 is winding down. Make sure that you are completing your score sheet so that you can turn it in no later than Tuesday. Week 2 score sheets will be available on Monday morning.