Warm-up: 3 Rounds of BBWU. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Front Squat (OTG)/ Strict Pull-up
The weight for squats is up to you.
3 rounds for time:
Round 1: 12 DeadLift, 9 Hang Squat Cleans, 6 Push Jerk, 12 Burpee Over Bar
Round 2: same same same 9 Burpee Over Bar
Round 3: same same same 6 Burpee Over Bar
30-34: RX 135/95 Scale 115/75
35-39: RX 135/95 Scale 115/75
40-44: RX 135/95 Scale 95/55
45-49: RX 135/95 Scale 95/55
50-54: RX 115/75 Scale 75/45
55-59: RX 115/75 Scale 75/45
60-64: RX 95/55 Scale 65/45
65+: RX 75/45 Scale 45/35
Icing: Tabata Banded Pulldowns