I finally have a few minutes of free time to collect my thoughts and “put the pen to paper” so to speak.
The past month has been filled with so many extraordinary events and activities, so many in fact that I have lost track of some of them. Preparation for the Throwdown, Putting on the Throwdown, preparation for the CrossFit Games, participanting in the CrossFit Games, preparation for haying season, and getting started haying the day we got home from Madison, and all that on top of the regular routine.
I owe so much thanks to so many and I want to let you all know that I am so thankful and so grateful to have you, the people of Stand Firm CrossFit, in my life. How about our coaches who stepped up to the plate and kept the doors open the entire time Tami and I were gone. Thank you…Nate, Hayley, Matt and Kyle. Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement and congratulations before, during and after the CrossFit Games. Nina, thank you for cleaning the gym while we were gone. The party last Friday and the pinata full of uno’s, thank you K8EE and everyone else who took part. It was a special evening I will always cherish.
When Tami and I began this CrossFit adventure, I don’t think we ever could have imagined the incredible relationships that would be forged. We are truly grateful for each and everyone of you. We both look forward to seeing what the future holds with this amazing community.
Warm-up: 3 rounds of 15 KB Swings, 16 Shoulder Touches, 100 Clicks. Dynamic Stretch
Strength/WOD: Today is a “Heavy Day”.
Our focus is entirely on the Shoulder to Overhead. You will follow the rep scheme presented until failure and then you will repeat the entire process again until failure. You can focus on any of the following S2OH movements: Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk and Split Jerk. Pick one and stick with it through both cycles.
8/30 6/40 5/50 4/60 2/70 1/80 1/90 1-1-1-1
Repeat the entire sequence once more.
Icing: Skill Work with any time remaining.