“MURPH” is this Saturday, Sign-up on the Whiteboard for the flight you want to participate in between now and Friday. 7:00 am or 8:15 am. Remember we are serving breakfast after you finish. We ask that you donate $20 if you participate. All the money goes to the Wounded Warrior Project this year. Come and join the fun. Everyone can do this workout in some form. If you are not sure about doing it, get someone to do it with you in a UGOIGO format.
Warm-up: Coaches Choice
Strength: Clean and Jerk
3 Reps EMOM for 10 min.
Take your time here, build to your GRACE wt. in the last 2 minutes.
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerk 135/95
Icing: Muscle-up Progressions
We have a lot of time today to work on your muscle-ups.