3.26.2018 A SIGH OF RELIEF


Bittersweet is the feeling I get when the CrossFit OPEN is over.  I look forward to OPEN each year because it brings out the best in each person who enters it.  I wish I could recount every success that we saw the past 5 weeks but that would be impossible.  Suffice it to say, each and every one of the Stand Firm CrossFit OPEN participants raised their bar during the course of the past 5 weeks. We saw personal bests in so many movements….Cleans, Pull-ups, C2B, Pull-ups, Muscle-ups, Double Unders, etc.  Not to mention all the RX workouts.  The CrossFit OPENChallenges each one of us, and consequently it Changes us.” 

Friday Night Lights is such an amazing time.  For many of us it rekindles those feelings we had back in high school when we were a part of a team and we all counted on each other.  Watching and being part of such a great group of people…..people who have come together simply because they want to live healthier…..is so rewarding.  Thank you to all who attended, brought goodies, took part in the theme aspect of the night, judged workouts, and worked out so hard.   This CrossFit community is really amazing.

I am sad to see these 5 weeks end, but now we can set our sights on GETTING BETTER at everything.  I know many of us set our fitness goals for the year back in January.  If you have not done so or you want to modify them a little, let’s get that accomplished in the next week.  We need to have everyone, 100% of the Box, on board, (and on the garage door), with their goals.  I’m serious, without fitness goals you are wasting your time.  Without setting serious goals you are actually leaving yourself an out so you can fail. Quit making excuses >>>>> MAKE A COMMITMENT<<<<<

Warm-up: Coaches Choice

Strength: Strict Press
10/30    6/40   5/50   4/60    3/70   2/80    Drop Set@45#/35#
(Drop Set is , empty bar to failure.)


6 Rounds for Time:
5 Push Jerks 135/105
10 Medball Cleans 20/14
20 Skier Jumps

Icing: Tabata Handstand Hold/Plank