Stand Firm CrossFit Cup and the Crossfit OPEN came to an end this weekend. We will celebrate the finish to the OPEN and the Clean Eating Challenge on Friday night after the OPEN workouts are finished. (7:30 pm). Everyone is invited to come in and enjoy the celebration. We have had a tremendous start to 2018 with both the CEC and The OPEN. Many of you have done amazing things that we want to acknowledge and celebrate. Bring some beverages and a dish that you perfected as part of the Clean Eating Challenge. We will have a grill going that you can throw your meat on. This is always a great event and EVERYONE is invited.
The Theme for “Friday Night Lights” is revealed in this video.
Warm-up: Coaches Choice
Strength: Front Squat/Back Squat
3 good warm-ups sets followed by
build to your 70% Front Squat 1RM
10 min. AMRAP
9 DB Thrusters 50/35
35 Double Unders (2/1 singles)
Icing: Pigeon 2 min. ES
Twisted Cross 1 min. ES
Saddle 2 min.