Thanks to Rory and his son Bridger for dropping in for a workout. Rory is the head wrestling coach in Yuma.
Warm-up: 5 min AMRAP of Basic BBWU, 10 each of Deadlift, Hang Clean, Push Press, Back Squat. Dynamic Stretch
Strength: Strict Press
EMOM for 16 Min
1st min: 6 HSPU
2nd min: 12 Deadlift
3rd min: 15 T2B
4th min: 18 Box Jumps 24/20
Pick your own Deadlift weight.
If you finish all reps your score is 204.
If you are short of reps (51/round) note how many reps you are short of the 204
Icing: 2 min. Pigeon ES and 3 min. Saddle