3.9.2018 CrossFit OPEN 18.3


Warm-up: Row 1K at a moderate pace.  Run through the Iron Scap proticol, and have someone roll out your calf muscles.  Then warm-up each of the movements of the workout.  OH Squat, DB Snatch, Ring and Bar Muscle-ups and of course Double Unders.  You should get your heart rate up just before the workout begins.  

WOD: CrossFit OPEN 18.3

2 rounds for time of:
100 Double Unders
20 OH Squats
100 Double Unders
12 Ring Muscle-ups
100 Double Unders
20 DB Snatches
100 Double Unders
12 Bar Muscle-ups
Time cap: 14 minutes

18.3 Standards that you need to know.

DB Snatches – The dumbbell snatch starts with the dumbbell on the ground and finishes with the dumbbell directly overhead. At the bottom of the movement, BOTH heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground. The dumbbell must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch and-go is permitted. Bouncing the dumbbell is not allowed. Athletes must alternate arms after each repetition. The dumbbell must be lowered below the top of the athlete’s head before he or she can switch hands for the next rep. The non-lifting hand and arm may not be in contact with the body during the  repetition.  If the athlete receives a no rep and has already switched hands, the athlete may proceed from where he or she is. The athlete does not need  to return the dumbbell to the no-repped arm for the next repetition to countAt the top, the arms, hips and knees must be fully locked out with the dumbbell clearly over  the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. Once the athlete has reached lockout, the repetition will count. The athlete may choose to do a muscle snatch, power snatch, squat snatch or split-style snatch. However, both feet must return and be in line
under the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead for the repetition to count.