Warm up: Row 1000m. at a moderate pace. Dynamic Stretch paying attention to Squats and Shoulder Movement. Run through the BBWU4C and then do some cleans at a very moderate wt. Determine what your starting Clean wt. will be. This wt. should be loaded on the bar that you do your Bar Facing Burpees over. 18.2 will more that warm you up for 18.2a. Practice some squats using the DB’s. Start light and work up to the weight you will use in the competition. Do a few burpees to get a feel for them.
18.2 Strategy: Plan on holding the dumbells in your hands for the sets of 1, 2, 3, and 4. After that you may want to rest them on your shoulders since the reps are greater in number. This workout gives the illusion that you are getting through it very quickly and then it starts to drag on. There are 110 reps in 18.2, 55 squats and 55 burpees. You are 1/2 way done when you finish the sets of 7. Get a steady pace going and maintain it. You must keep moving if you are going to have any time left to do the 1 RM Clean. If you average 10 reps a minute you will only have 1 min. for 18.2a
18.2a Strategy: Realistically you are only going to have 2 or 3 good attempts at your 1 RM clean. Your first attempt should be a sure bet. Have the weights that you want to add set up for easy loading. You can have a helper for changing plates.
Movement Standards Sumamary:
DB SQUATS-The rep begins from the top, with knees and hips extended and dumbbells on the shoulders. A muscle clean into a squat is allowed. The dumbbells must be held on the shoulders. There is no requirement to maintain a grip on the dumbbell the entire time. At the bottom of the squat, the hip crease must pass below the knees. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended. Only one pair of dumbbells may be used.
BURPEES-The burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The athlete will jump the feet back so that he or she is lying on the ground. The athlete’s head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. The athlete must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. Single-legged jumping or stepping over is not permitted (scaled divisions excluded). The barbell must be loaded with standard-height bumper plates for the athlete to jump over (scaled masters excluded).
WOD: 18.2 and 18.2a
12 Min. to complete:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
DB Squats
Bar Facing Burpees
1 Rep Max Clean
RX DB weight is 50/35
Scaled DB weight is 35/20
RX55+ DB weight is 35/20
Scaled 55+ weigth is 20/10
RX Burpees, Feet must always move together
Scaled Burpees, Feet can step independently during the course of the burpee.
Icing: Judge someone’s workout. Get those points for your team.