1.30.2018 SKILL WORK

The 4:30 girls.

Motivational Quote of the Week, “Be Relentlessly Positive.”

Relentlessly positive people are:

  • stronger
  • confident
  • happier
  • creative
  • healthier

CEC INFO: Be sure to turn in your Week #3 score-sheets by close of business on Tuesday. Check over your score-sheet carefully to make sure that you have filled in all appropriate information. Be thoughtful in your response to the “successes” question.

WARM-UP: Coaches Choice

STRENGTH: Back Squat
5 Sprints
3 to 4 good warm-up sets.
This is it. We have worked for 2 months to get to this point.
Be amazed at what you are capable of.

WOD: Skill Work

With just over 3 weeks to the CrossFit open we all need to focus on the little things that make a difference. For example, what are some of the movement standards that give you fits. Depth of squats, chin above the bar on butterfly pull-ups, getting your chest to the floor on burpees, hitting the target on wallballs, getting above the line on HSPU’s, and full hip extension on box jumps.  These are just a few things that are common.  What can you get better at today? 

ICING: Ring the PR bell for completing your “20 rep back squat cycle”.