Congrats to Matt and Hayley on the completion of their Level 1 CrossFit certification last weekend. Can you spot them?
CEC Info:
Remember that your score-sheet for “Week 1” is due into the Box bytoday by 7:30 pm. It will not be scored but the BF% numbers need to be recorded into the official database as does your CEC 18.1 score. Make sure that everything else on the score-sheet is complete and that you understand what you are doing. The Week 1 score-sheet will serve as the tie-breaker for the CEC.
As the CEC progresses I will require more and more detailed information on the weekly score-sheets. Be sure to read over each new score-sheet carefully and pay attention to the information I pass along on the website. Make it a habit to check for CEC information on the WOD web page each day.
This week, (2), we add calories, your 2018 CEC goals and your list of penalty foods/categories to the score-sheet. There is some confusion as to how you earn points when you fill out the + or – columns on your macro-nutrients. You earn points by simply writing down the grams you are over(+), or under(-) for each macro on a given day. How much you are over or under does not matter, YET. If you have further questions about this please ask Tami or Cal for clarification.
WARM UP: 3 rounds. 10 push ups, 10 sling shot squats, 10 AHS. Dynamic Stretch
STRENGTH: Strict Press* / Push Press
14 Min AMRAP
4 KB Thrusters 45/35 (Perform 4 reps using each arm/round)
16 T2B
32 Double Unders
ICING: Tabata Handstand Hold / Plank