1.11.2018 BUY IN SELL OUT


Motivational Quote of the Week, “Get Sleep, Eat Clean, Drink Water, Exercise…..REPEAT.”

WARM-UP: Coaches Choice

STRENGTH: Snatch Balance/OHS*


For time:
Buy-in 600m Row
3 rounds
15 Power Clean 135/95
15 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps 24/20
Cash-out 600m row

ICING: Tabata GPU/sit ups.

Clean Eating Challenge participants. If you have any questions regarding the use of MY FITNESS PAL, be sure to ask. Several people in the box are getting good at using it. They are more than willing to help.
If you have not paid for your CEC participation please do so ASAP and indicate you paid by marking PD next to your name on the whiteboard in the box.