1.10.2018 LOW BOY

N8….the “Live Wire.”

WARM-UP: 3 rounds. 10 Wallballs, 10 Sit-ups w/med-ball, 10 Med-ball Clean. Dynamic Stretch

STRENGTH: Squat Clean*/Front Squat


14 min AMRAP
10 Wallball
12 Deadlift 50
30 Double Unders

ICING: Mobility Time w/Foam Roller and/or LaCross Ball

Excitement is up with the onset of the CEC.  It is great to hear people talking in the gym about what they are experiencing as they embark on a life changing journey to Clean Eating.  Many are sharing insights into the MY FITNESS PAL app and how it is working for them.  Remember this week we are practicing using the site. You can make adjustments in your Macro percentages by going to your GOALS page and clicking on the edit button in the box showing your macro percentages.  Don’t worry about entering exercise info because it is not very accurate and you may fall into the trap of…..“working out to eat instead of eating to perform.”  There is still time to get involved, just let Cal or Tami know you want to join in.

Below is the critical information needed to participate.  Please read it carefully so that as many questions as possible are answered. Good Luck to everyone.  Remember you are going to be a different person at the end of this challenge