For the next 2 months we will schedule skill work during one class each week. Those days will have a short WOD with no weightlifting or weight lifting with no WOD. This will allow extra time to work on things that you need to get better at. Examples would be pull-ups, handstand walking, muscle-ups, double unders, etc.
Motivational Quote of the Week, “I like the challenge of Burpees.” John Cowardin
Warm-up (15 min.): 1/2 Tabata Goblet Squats, GPU, KB Swings. Dynamic Stretch
For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Kettlebell Swings 55/45
Front Squat 135/105
Icing: Skill work or mobility work with time remaining