Warm-up, (15min): 2 Rounds of Partner Wallball, Side Toss and Sit-ups. Then run 400m. Dynamic Stretch
Strength, (15 min.): OH Squat
6/50 > 4/60 > 2/70 > 6/55 > 4/65 > 2/75 > 6/60 > 4/70 > 2/80
In teams of two complete 4 Rounds for time:
P1 Row 500m. or Run 400m. while P2 20 OH Squats 95/65
P2 Row 500m. or Run 400m. while P1 20 OH Squats 95/65
In the end, each partner will Row/Run 2000m/1600m. and do 80 OH Squats
Icing: Twisted Cross 1 min. ES, Dragon 2 min. ES