This is why we do “MURPH”!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we honor our fallen heroes by completing “MURPH“. This hero WOD honors Lt. Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. We ask, but are not requiring, that you make a donation to “Train to Transition”, (click here), an organization that helps veterans transition to civilian life after their military service.
We will have 2 flights for this workout on Saturday morning. 8:00 am and 9:30 am. After everyone is finished we will fire up the grills and have a little BBQ. Bring something to grill and a little something to drink and lets have some fun.
Wear your red white and blue.
Warm-up, (15min): 1/2 Tabata Mt Climber, Wallball, Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch
15 Rounds For Total Calorie:
30 sec. Row for Calorie
45 sec. Rest
Compare to 6.24.2015
Icing: Sumo Squat 5 Min.