Motivational Quote of the Week.
Warm-up, (15 min): 3 Rounds of Row 500m. then BBWU4C, (PVC, A Bar, Barbell). Go Right to Strength.
Strength, (15 min.): Squat Clean & Jerk
5/50 4/60 3/70 (2/80)3
15 min. AMRAP
20 KB OH Lunge 55/35 (R+L=2)
20 KB Swing
1 Rope Climb 2/1
Touch knee to ab-mat for Lunge Reps.
Icing: Dragon 2 min. ES and Twisted Cross 1 min. ES
With the beginning of the month of May we will revisit “Muscle-up May”. Last year we had 14 people get their 1st ring muscle-up during May. If you want to get a muscle-up you are going to have to work hard at it for the month. You will need to methodically follow the progression that is outlined on the whiteboard. There are no shortcuts and those that do usually end up learning bad habits and setting themselves back. If you are game we will work with you everyday and you will be amazed what happens.
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