Motivational Quote of the Week: “Constantly competing against others will make you bitter, constantly competing against yourself will make you better.“
Warm-up, (15min): 5 min. AMRAP 10 Each Air Squat, Sit-ups, Push-ups. Dynamic Stretch.
Strength, (15 min.): Bear Complex
2 Reps EMOM for 4 min. then 1 Rep EMOM for 4 min. Build the weight.
Complete a Tabata for each of these exercizes.
Medball Cleans 20/14
DB Snatch R+L=2 35/25
KB Swing 45/35
Wallball 20/14
Score is the total of your lowest rep count for each exercise.
Icing: Twisted Cross 1 min. ES Straddle 2 min.