A big thank you to everyone who attended the Bar-B-Q yesterday. The day turned out to be beautiful and the food was outstanding. It was such a fitting way to bring to an end the OPEN, LUR’s Challenge and the Clean Eating Challenge.

Clean Eating Challenge 17.1 Winners (Front Row:Kelly, Lur, Audrey, Aubree, Jill. Back Row: Matt, Kyle, Brenden, Steve, Jeff, and James)
Now we can all look back at our OPEN performances and determine what it is that we need to work on. Over the next few weeks we will focus in on fundamental mechanics of our CrossFit movements. You might say we are going to go back to the basics. Don’t Panic!!! You will still get a great workout. For the next two weeks we focus on a great SQUAT. Watch the videos that we put up and really work on getting better.
Warm-up, (15min): Row 5 Min Dynamic Stretch, then BBWU4S. Go right into the EMOM.
Strength, (15 min.): Power Snatch + OH Squat
2 Reps EMOM for 10 min. Build your weight.
For Time:
21-15-9 Reps of
Wallball 20/14
KB Swing 55/45
Rest 2 Min
21-15-9 Reps of
Cal Row
Burpee over Rower
Icing: Seated Cross Shin 2 min. ES