Randy with a look of determination.

LUR’S CHALLENGE team names are due by the end of the day if you want 10 points for your team.  Make sure the name you want is clearly indicated.  Erase the others or circle your teams choice. 

Today we are focusing on two movements that give you trouble or you want to polish up on.  If you are in the OPEN you might want to talk with your coach about what would be good choices for you.  Keep the reps and the weight manageable so that you are fresh for 17.2.

Warm-up, (15min): Row or Jog for 5 Min. 2 Rounds of 15 Wallball 5 Pull-ups 10 Sit-ups. Dynamic Stretch


For 16 Min.
Odd Minutes Goat 1
Even Minutes Goat 2
Pick two things you need to improve at or work on.
Execute one during the odd minutes and the other during the even minutes.
You determine the wt. and number of reps.
An example would be to do 2 Muscle-ups on the odd minutes and 10 HSPU on the even numbered minutes.
There is no score today.

Icing: 12 Min ROM WOD
Seated Straddle 2 min.
Pigeon 2 min. ES
Twisted Cross 1 min. ES
Saddle Eagle 2 min ES