3.1.2017 SHARK TANK

John slammin!!!

LUR’S CHALLENGE teams, make sure to try and connect with your teammates.  Use your team space on the whiteboard to post messages, phone #’s, email addresses, etc.  Team names need to be posted at the top of your team’s square on the whiteboard by the end of the day Thursday if you want the 10 pts. for your team.  

Warm-up, (15min): Jog 4 min. w/footwork 2 rounds of 10 each: Deadlift, Hang Clean, Push Press. Dynamic Stretch

Strength, (15 min.): GHD Situps/Ring Dips
Use wt. for each if you have the capacity.


6 min. AMRAP
42 Double Unders
30 Push Press
18 Toes-to-Bar
5 min. Rest
6 min. AMRAP
21 Double Unders
15 Push Press
9 Toes-to-Bar
Your Push Press weight is up to you.

Icing: Thread the Needle 2 min. ES Childs Pose 3 min.