Open Gym
8:00 to 9:30 am
Come in …..
Work on a skill or two,
Lift some weights,
Do a WOD,
improve your mobility.
Open Gym is a great time for you to work on a goal you have set for yourself.
Coaches are here to help you, please make sure you ask them to coach you.

CEC enters it’s last week starting Monday. That means a week from Monday, (3/6), we will be doing Body Fat assessments and the final weigh-out. Tuesday that week, (3/7), we will do the CEC 17.1 workout and turn in week 6 scoresheet. If you are in on the CEC please try and be here on those two days. We could have a big shift in the standings after these results are tabulated, so hang in there and finish strong.
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