2.16.2017 SKILL WORK DAY

Much of today is given over to skill work.  With the OPEN starting next week, Thursdays will be a rest day for most, thus we will make it a day to focus on skills that need work.  Here is your chance the get better at that movement that is giving you fits.  Your coaches are there to help you get better so engage them on what it is you want to improve at.


If you did not get in on the sweatshirts/hoodies and you still want one, the order sheet is on the whiteboard in the front room.  We will take orders through Friday, (2/17), and that’s it.

Remember to get signed up for the OPEN by clicking here.  Time is running out.  You will be glad you participated and here is why….

  1. You will do something that you never thought possible. I like to call that, “Doing a Possible Impossible”.
  2. You will inspire others and you will be inspired by those around you.
  3. It will give you an opportunity to measure your fitness against people just like you from all around the world.
  4. It is a lot of fun.

You can place those reasons in any order.  How often have we asked our children to take on a challenge and then when we are faced with one we retreat.  Every year I have had people who did not sign-up for the OPEN tell me, “I should have done it” or “I will get involved next year”.  Don’t be one of those people.  Life is way to short to miss out on the positive challenges. What have we been stressing around here the past several weeks? “IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU IT WON’T CHANGE YOU”.


Warm-up, (15min): 1/2 Tabata Sit-ups, Mt. Climbers, PVC OH Squat. Then BBWU4C

Strength, (15 min.): Clusters 3 reps EMOM for 10 Min.
Build to Heavy Triple


For Time:
1000m. Row
Row at a pace of your choosing.

Spend the rest of the class working on a skill or two that need improving.