Clean Eaters make sure you are aware of the rule change on water consumption. Week 2 score sheets are due by the end of the day today. Week 3 score sheets are in the box in the front room of the gym. Please only take one score sheet.
Warm-up (15min): Jog 4 Min. w/Footwork. Agility. Dynamic Stretch
Strength, (15 min.): Strict Pull-ups
4 Reps EMOM for 10 Min.
Scale with 2 negative pull-ups EMOM.
For time:
20 Thrusters, 95/65
20 Kettlebell Swing 45/35
20 Push Jerks, 95/65
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Deadlift, 95/65
Start with 4 burpees and then every minute on the minute
do 4 burpees until you finish all the reps listed above.
Compare to 9.5.14
Icing: Hollow Rocks/Superman Tabata