Warm-up, (15 Min): Row 500m BBWU4S w/PVC, Row 500m BBWU4S w/BB
Strength, (15 Min.): Hang Squat Snatch / Squat Snatch
(3+3/50)2 (3+3/60)2 2+2/70 2+2/80 2+2/90
For Time:
2 rounds of Cindy
10 DeadLift 225/155
2 rounds of Cindy
8 Deadlift
2 rounds of Cindy
6 Deadlift
2 rounds of Cindy
4 Deadlift
2 rounds of Cindy
2 Deadlift
2 rounds of Cindy
Compare to 12.19.14 and 11.25.15
Icing: Mobility then Stuff the Turkey