
      CF Games 2016 LOGO

Pick up your CrossFit Games Fantasy Game entry sheet today.  Start researching the Open Men, Open Women and Teams that are participating in the CrossFit Games starting next week.  Click here to see if the individual and team workouts have been posted yet.  Deadline for entry submissions is Monday July 18th at 7:00 pm.  The cost to get in is $5.


Warm-up (15 min.): 2 Rounds of Row 500m., BBWU for Snatch. Dynamic Stretch

Strength (15 Min.): Power Snatch
2 Reps EMOM for 10 min.
Build up to WOD weight.


For Time:
30 Snatch 135/95
200 Double Unders

Icing: 40 GHD Sit-ups