


FYI: Thursdays will have a BIKE WOD during the 6:15 pm time slot.  Bike WOD’s often include body weight exercises and weightlifting but may only be a bike ride for time or distance as well.  You just never know what you are in for till you get to the Box.  You can ride a road bike, mt. bike or a cyclo-cross bike and do just fine.  You want to make sure there is air in the tires, however.   If you do not want to take part in the Bike WOD there will be a traditional WOD offered at that time as well.


Warm-up (15 min.): Row 800m or Jog to Lois Lane and back. Agility. Dynameic Stretch

Strength (15 Min.): OH Squat


17 Min. AMRAP
10 Hang Squat Clean
5 S2OH
10 Box Jumps
100 Singles

Icing: This Month is “Jumping June”.
We need everyone to get those Double Unders down.
We will also access everyone’s vertical jump and work on improving box jumps.

  Good Double Unders Tutorial