Congratulations and Thank You to everyone who completed AUDREY’S CHALLENGE yesterday. Katharyn Woodard is responsible for the idea and Tami along with many of you pulled off a tremendous finally. Winners in the various divisions were Mark Knight and Lindsey Birdseye, Rx division, In the Athlete division winners were Steve Penrose and Katie Eastman. the winners of the Health division were Trevor Corbin and Cameron Freisen. Audrey Jennings won the scaled Health division, which is totally awesome. Truthfully we are all winners, because we are in the fight with Audrey.
Warm-up (15 min.): Run to Ace Sign and back or Row 500m then 1/2 Tabata KB Swing, Shoulder Touches. Dynamic Stretch
Strength (15 Min.): Strict Press
5@70% 5@80% 3×3@85%
7 Rounds for Time:
15 Burpee on plate stack 25/15
15 Wallball 20/14
100m Plate Pinch Farmers Carry w/plates 25/15
>>>>(Carry a plate in each hand by pinching it between your fingers.
Do not carry the plate by the hole or by holding the plate in your hand.)<<<<
20 Minute Time Cap
Icing: Muscle-up Progressions and 25 Reverse Hyper