
Warm-up (15 min.): 3 Rounds of 100 Clicks 10 Air Squats 10 Sit-ups 10 HR Push-ups. Dynamic Stretch.

Strength (15 Min.): Front Squat 5@60% 5@70% 3×3@85%


5 Rounds for time:
2 Hang Squat Clean 135/95
4 Rack Lung R+L=2
6 Hang Power Clean
8 Box Jumps 24/20
If you set the bar down during the middle of a round,
(during the 1st 3 movements),
you have an immediate 10 burpee penalty before moving ahead.

Icing: Muscle-up Progressions and 25 Ring Push-ups

 As many of you know one of our Stand Firm Crossfit family is in a battle with cancer. Audrey is simply amazing! She has been working out 3 to 4 days a week for the past month while in the middle of chemo-therapy. We are going to host a series of workouts, (3), as part of a fundraiser/competition to support Audrey. On Wednesday the 11th we will do AUDREY 1.1, on the 18th we will do AUDREY 1.2 and on Sunday morning the 22nd at 10:30 am we will do AUDREY 1.3, followed by a BBQ, (More on that as we get closer.) Yes there will be a competitive element but more than anything we want to let Audrey know we are with her in this battle. We are setting the entry a $10 plus. Feel free to give more. All the Entry money will go the help Audrey.

So get excited to do Wednesday’s WOD for Audrey. I know that I will be motivated to give it everything I have.