
Please hold PJ, Angie and their son Jordan up in prayer.  PJ’s father, Gary “Shorty” Holmes, pasted away unexpectedly last Friday.  He lived in central Nebraska near PJ’s brother Newly.  Shorty was a great guy who will be dearly missed by all of us who knew him.  My favorite memories are of Shorty hauling those two great kids to countless wrestling tournaments during the 1980’s.  It sounds like a long time ago but to me it seems like yesterday.  In my mind Shorty’s legacy is the two outstanding men that he raised, PJ and Newly. 

 As many of you know one of our Stand Firm Crossfit family is in a battle with cancer. Audrey is simply amazing! She has been working out 3 to 4 days a week for the past month while in the middle of chemo-therapy. We are going to host a series of workouts, (3), as part of a fundraiser/competition to support Audrey. On Wednesday the 11th we will do AUDREY 1.1, on the 18th we will do AUDREY 1.2 and on Sunday morning the 22nd at 10:30 am we will do AUDREY 1.3, followed by a BBQ, (More on that as we get closer.)  Yes there will be a competitive element but more than anything we want to let Audrey know we are with her in this battle. We are setting the entry a $10 plus. Feel free to give more. All the Entry money will go the help Audrey.

So get excited to do Wednesday’s WOD for Audrey. I know that I will be motivated to give it everything I have.

Warm-up (15 min.): Row 500m. then Tabata Medball Cleans, Dynamic Stretch

Strength (15 Min.): Snatch Complex
3+2+1 Snatch HP/Power Snatch/Squat Snatch
EMO2M for 8 Min. AHAP


15 Min AMRAP
15 KB Swing 55/35
10 Goblet Step-up 55/35 to 20/16
25 Double Unders

Icing: Muscle-up Progressions and 25 Reverse Hyper

Short Video on Reverse Hyper