Reminder to all CrossFit Open competitors….please submit your scores before 5 pm Monday evening.
Congratulations to the 45 Day Mid Winter Clean Eating Challenge winners:
Team Winners: Mitchy and the Boys – Steve Penrose, Greg Gardner and Mitch Gardner
Individual Women Winners: 1st Place Tammy Eatough, 2nd Place Helen Cuccio, 3rd Place Kristin Erickson.
Individual Male Winners: 1st Place Michael Parmenter, 2nd Place Greg Gardner, 3rd Place Keith Eatough.
Clean Eating Challenge Winners

L to R: Steve Penrose, Greg Gardner, Mike Parmenter, Tammy Eatough, Kristin Erickson, and Mitch Gardner. (Not Pictured, Helen Cuccio and Keith Eatough.)
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Challenge. We hope that you learned something along the way that will help you to meet your fitness goals. Remember, you need to commit to having “two oars in the water“. My guess is, that everyone felt better, performed better and watched positive changes in their bodies during the challenge. I know it took extra work and planning to fulfill the challenge, but doesn’t everything that is good in life take a little extra effort. You have seen the good it can do and you have formed some good habits, now the question is, can you stick with it?
Warm-up (15 Min.): 2 Rounds of Row 500 10 Wallball, 10 Medball clean, 10 Plank Jacks S2S. Dynamic Stretch
Strength (15 Min.): Front Squat/Back Squat
3+3@50% 3+3@60% 3+3×2 70%
16 Min. AMRAP
15 Wallball 20/14
10 C2B Pullup
5 Deadlift 225/185
Icing: 30 GHD Sit-ups