
FYI- Remember that tomorrow night, (Friday), at the conclusion of the Open workouts we will have a celebration of the 45 Day Clean Eating Challenge.  Bring a little food to share, (perhaps something you discovered during the challenge), and some drink.  We will announce the winners, and award prizes.  My best guess is we will finish the workouts around 7:00 pm.  If you  can come early you will be glad you did because you’ll get to see some great effort being put forth by the Open participants.

Be sure to watch the announcement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.3 tonight at 6 pm.  
here for the link.


Warm-up (15 Min.): 3 Rounds of 100 Clicks, 10 Air Squats, 5 Burpee. Dynamic Stretch. Sprints

Strength (15 Min.): Back Squat
3×1@65%      3×1@70%    3×3@75%


For Total Time:
21-15-9 Slamball 40/30
Box Jump 24/20
Rest 3 Min.
21-15-9 V-Sits
Calorie Row

Icing: Mobility