
FYI Friday Schedule Modifications.


16.2 on March 4th

  16.2 on March 4th

We overcame a lot last week with the logistics of the 16.1 Open workout. We learned some lessons that we will apply to this week.  Not knowing what the workout will be until 6:00 pm on Thursday night does present some problems, so we hope this will help.  We will open the doors at 6 am and begin the 1st wave of 16.2 at 6:20 am.  We will then continue with succeeding waves until everyone who wants to complete 16.1 in the morning is finished.  We ask that you show up by 7:30 in the morning if you intend on doing the workout tomorrow morning. 

We will run the afternoon and evening classes just like we did last week.  Doors open at 4:30 pm, come in sign-up for your 16.2 workout time, get warmed up and be ready to go.  Please be willing to judge someone’s workout and of course cheer on your RED, White or Blue teammates.  Last Friday saw an electric atmosphere for all who attended.  Now, with the in house team competition it should be even more fun.  

We will open at 2 pm on Sunday for those who want to do, or repeat, 16.2.


Warm-up (15 Min.): Row 1000m. Dynamic Stretch. Sprints

Strength (15 Min.): Deadlift / Wt. Bar Dips
3+3×1@65%       3+3×1@70%       3+3×3@70%


For max effort:
Thrusters 45/35
Games Sit-ups
Double Pole Pulls
Slamball 30/20
Score is total of your lowest 20 sec. effort for each exercise.

Icing: Row 1000m. @ 2:30/2:45