Clean Eating Challenge Participants
This the last week of the Clean Eating Challenge. There is a lot going on, so read carefully the following list of instructions.
- Scores for the past week, (2.22-2.28) must be posted on the door, as normal, by the end of the day Tuesday, (3.1), by team leaders.
- Scores for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week must be posted on the door by the end of the day Thursday. (3.3), by team leaders.
- Team Leaders need to collect and turn in completed score sheets from all of your team members by the end of the day Thursday, (3.3). Please have all of your team score sheets stapled, paper clipped or in an envelope together.
- The post Challenge WOD will be conducted on Wednesday. Make sure you use the same exact setup for the workout that you used on the Pre Challenge WOD. Be sure to put the results of your two workouts on the score sheet in the appropriate space. If you cannot attend the Post Challenge WOD you must make arrangements before Wednesday to set up another time.
- Post Challenge Weigh-in and Body Fat Analysis will occur prior to the WOD on Wednesday, (3.2). You need to be fully hydrated for this assessment. Please drink lots of fluids in the 12 hours leading up to the time when you come in to do the assessment and WOD. We are not going to do multiple assessments if you are poorly hydrated. Make sure to write your results of the weigh-in and the Body Fat assessment on your score sheet in the correct space.
- Results of the Clean Eating Challenge will be announced after Friday Night Lights on March 11th. We will have a celebration of the Clean Eating Challenge as well as the completion of 16.3. If you do not take part in the workout that evening we still want you to come in for the Clean Eating Party and awards presentation. Bring along a little finger food and some drink.
Warm-up(10 min.): Jog 3 Min, 2 Rounds of 10 Medball Cleans, 10 WallBall, 10 K2E, Dynamic Stretch,
Strength: Squat Clean
BBWU for Clean then 30 Min. to find 1RM
7 Box Jump
7 T2B
7 SDLHP 95/65
7 Box Jump
Icing: 30 GHD Situps